– is a French language magazine for women published in Paris, France. The magazine appeared from March 1873 to March 1933, and was revived in October 2009.
The first issue of Le Paie was published in March 1873. The magazine was published in Paris. It was published by Robert Kanné. The magazine had 892 subscribers in the year of 1873. The circulation of the magazine was around 5000 in 1893. The magazine contained the following sections: Le grand service, La Petite femme, Le petit service, Le grand service, La maison, The Ladies Home, La belle allure, Le peintre, La photographie. The first editor was Léon Berteaut and the publisher was Robert Kanné. In 1874 Robert Kanné took over and the magazine was edited by Emile Greslé. The 1876 cover of the magazine showed a cat. In 1878 the name of the magazine was changed to La Paie.
The magazine was published by Edouard de Ythoir. The magazine ceased publication in January 1933.
The magazine was revived in 2009.
Category:1873 establishments in France
Category:1933 disestablishments in France
Category:2009 establishments in France
Category:French-language magazines
Category:French monthly magazines
Category:Defunct women's magazines of France
Category:Magazines established in 1873
Category:Magazines established in 2009
Category:Magazines disestablished in 1933
Category:Magazines published in Paris//
// Generated by class-dump 3.5 (64 bit) (Debug version compiled Jun 9 2015 22:53:21).
// class-dump is Copyright (C) 1997-1998, 2000-2001, 2004-2014 by Steve Nygard.
#import "TFileSystemOperationDelegate.h"
@interface TRenameOperationDelegate : TFileSystemOperationDelegate
TFileSystemOperationDelegate *_parentOperation;
+ (id)newDelegateWithParent:(id)arg1;
- (void)dealloc;
- (id)initWithParent:(id)arg1;
In recent years, many wireless communication systems, for example, the IEEE 802.16e
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