Category:Jamiroquai albums
Category:1996 albumsQ:
Mod_rewrite to a non-existing directory
For example, I want to be able to go to www.site.com/directory/foo. How do I do it?
I've tried a few things but I can't seem to get it right.
This doesn't seem to work:
RewriteRule ^directory/(.*)$ /directory/index.php?id=$1 [L]
This makes it stop:
RewriteRule ^directory/(.*)$ /directory/ [L]
And this:
RewriteRule ^directory/(.*)$ /directory/$1 [L]
And this:
RewriteRule ^directory/(.*)$ /directory/$1 [L]
And this:
RewriteRule ^directory/(.*)$ /directory/index.php?id=$1 [L]
This would be the right mod_rewrite rule:
RewriteRule ^directory/(.*)$ /directory/$1 [L]
It should be preceded by a RewriteCond directive to ensure that the request didn't actually go to directory, but to the root.
Is there a way to get the string of the block / inline code in C/C++?
If there is a way to get the string of the block/inline C or C++ code?
I would like to avoid the compiling each time, so I would like to get the value of the code when it is compiling.
If the block / inline is kept within a function/method, then the method could have a diagnostic that prints it. However this wouldn't print the block, but the start of the method with the function/class name, file name, and line number.
Have separate instances of Windows Form on tabbed page
I have a TabControl that will be used to display 3 Windows Forms.
I have each of the 3 Windows Forms created but I cannot seem to make them instances of different tabs.
The only way I can get them to display on different tabs is by using the same instance of the Forms within each tab. I can't make the instance of the Forms unique to each tab as I need to use the same instance of the forms in all 3 tabs.
I have tried setting ac619d1d87
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